Leading the way in patent searching and analysis

  • Worldwide coverage
  • Integrated Analytics software
  • Comprehensive Legal Status information
  • Extensive patent citation information
  • Non-Patent Literature searching
  • High quality data and detailed indexing enables the most sophisticated searching

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Optimise the way you search and review patent literature

PatBase is the trusted primary search tool of top corporations and law firms worldwide. A robust patent database from which to search, review, share and analyse business-critical patent information and non-patent literature.

140+ million patent and related documents from over 105 countries, updated weekly. Organised into 75+ million patent families saving time and reducing duplication.

Dynamic indexing systems ensure rapid, precise searching.

Review schematics and concept drawings from the entire patent family, with mosaic images of all inventions included in the original application.

Quality control checks not only maintain, but also improve data standards.

Break down the language barrier with sophisticated simultaneous non-Latin and Latin searching and the ability to search across machine translations.

Minesoft promotes intuitive searching and global reach; supported PatBase languages include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Thai.

Even complex queries can be processed within seconds by the super-fast PatBase search engine.

Built-in analysis providing fast and powerful insights

Analyse unlimited numbers of patent families directly from your search results in seconds.

Fully integrated into PatBase, users are provided with a novel and user-friendly way to interrogate their results.

Visualise patent data through detailed and transparent graphs to extract meaningful insights, gain competitive intelligence and understand the landscape.

Detailed patent analysis reports can be generated by PatBase Analytics in a variety of formats to be shared with colleagues or clients.

Create highly engaging and visually stunning representations of complex patent citation networks.

All users, with any level of skill, can take very large, highly complex patent datasets and easily present them in a visual way that is easy on the eye, easy to interpret and understand; and to be able to interact with and share this data.

Take PatBase for a test drive

Speed up your research with patent data from over 105 countries on a single platform. Ensure your transition to PatBase is easy with free training and a helpful support team to guide you throughout.

Start a free 14-day trial to see PatBase for yourself.

Innovative tools to ensure comprehensiveness

Identify and add synonyms, keywords, acronyms and translations of terms to a search strategy with PatBase Thesaurus.

Corporate Tree visualises your portfolio and that of your competitors for actionable competitive intelligence.

Classification Finder searches classification definitions within PatBase using keywords or phrases.

Customisable highlighting tools allow you immediately identify which publications in a family are most relevant to your search query and to identify keywords in the full text of documents

Unearth relevant chemical, genetic, physical and disease terms in the patent full text using TextMine.

Identify the legal milestones within a lifetime of a patent and track changes in litigation with Legal Information Browser with one of the most comprehensive legal status data collections in the industry, jurisdictions include USPTO, DPMA, INPI, CNIPA, JPO and INPADOC.

Utilise the Optimise tool to break down large result sets by company, technology area, date of publication and country and remove irrelevant hits.

Family Insight module gives a quick overview of a single patent family and is totally sharable even with non-PatBase users.

Take a look inside PatBase

Search intuitively

  • User-friendly interface and streamlined workflow
  • Publication level and family level searching
  • Identify emerging trends and opportunities
  • Analyse and visualise patent data in different ways

Collaborate effectively

  • Transfer knowledge company-wide
  • Share folders and alerts with colleagues

Overcome language barriers

  • Comprehensive worldwide coverage
  • Simultaneous Latin and non-Latin searching as well as millions of machine translations

Incorporate internal data

  • Increase PatBase relevancy by adding searchable custom user fields of your own

Order patent document copies

  • Integrated, fast PatentOrder document delivery service

PatBase. Used daily by Patent Professionals the world over.

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To arrange a demonstration of PatBase or for more information.