Cybersecurity – A Patent Landscape Report

The field of Cybersecurity has grown at an astonishing rate over the last 50 years. With the increasing adoption of computer systems, the Internet, and wireless networks, and due to the growth of “smart devices” like smartphones, televisions and tiny devices that make up the Internet of Things, Cybersecurity is of growing importance. Businesses around the world are benefiting from being connected to the global data network, but simultaneously put themselves at risk of cyber theft and security breaches. The innovation in this technology area is clearly shown in the patent trends.

Taking advantage of the high-quality data available in PatBase 2.0, Patinformatic’s Tony Trippe has created an updated Cybersecurity landscape report, drawing insights from 4x the amount of data than in the previous report. The powerful PatBase Analytics V3 processed hundreds of thousands of patent documents in the Cybersecurity landscape to deliver filing trends by country, assignee and more.

Download the report here

Investigating the Cybersecurity Technology Area Webinar

In this webinar recording, Patinformatic’s Tony Trippe updated us on what has changed since his original report on Cybersecurity published in 2018 and how you can recreate similar patent landscape reports for any technology area.

As most industries are embracing the changes that digitalisation and automation bring, companies need to manage the new threats that come with it. Companies will be vulnerable if their cybersecurity capabilities fail to keep pace with the accelerated digital transformation and increased remote working that Covid-19 has necessitated. As evolving cyberattacks threaten significant costs, companies have no choice but to act decisively to reduce risk exposure.

Watch the webinar here

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